Individual License $495
Small Office License $1,850
Medium Office License $2,950
Large Office License $4,950
Corporate Office License $8,250
When transitioning over to the new website, old accounts were not copied over
Are you having issues logging in to the MASS website? Chances are if you are using the newly redesigned website for the first time, the issue is that you do not yet have an account. It can be created on the new site as part of the checkout process.
To set up your account, simply put your cart together and proceed to checkout. During the checkout process, set a password and you will have an account created. This account made under the same email where the receipt is sent can be used to access future subscription renewals
If you are eligible to continue your license subscription at the renewal rate, you will have been emailed a discount coupon which lowers the initial purchase price down to equal the ongoing subscription renewal rate. Check your email inbox for the notification email and contact MASS support if you are worried that you were missed.
When mapping out the transition process, we looked into many different options for how we could transition everyone from the old website to a completely new system. The decision to start the new website with a fresh slate of accounts was recommended to us from our developers. Since the original website was built on a proprietary CMS, the upgrade was far from incremental. The main issue was surrounding the way that password were hashed and encrypted. While the old website handled these in a secure way, it was not done using protocols shared by other contemporary CMS platforms, so we would have needed to set up a detailed workflow for connecting legacy accounts and having them re-secured before any purchases could go through. This decision was not made lightly and the process we have set up is meant to consider simplicity in the licensing renewal process for years to come. Come of this improvement comes at the expense of the ease for our transition process but we hope that you understand and can let support assist with any issue you may have.
Please do not hesitate to contact MASS technical support with any questions or concerns regarding this transition process. We understand that this change will raise some questions and we are standing by to assist in whichever way we can!